
A Vampire Sonamy Story

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Chapter 10: The secret of the past                

Amy and Alexander glared at each other until Alexander through the first punch, Amy successfully blocked it. One after the other, every hit thrown been blocked or reflected. They seemed equally match but one had a plan to end this once and for all.
"Shadow what is going on!? Who is that!? Why did he attack Amy!? And why do they have wings!?" Rouge yelled. Shadow was silent, a gust of wind and a slash of water in the background.
"All will be explained later" was all he said.
"Later? We don't have later; we have to do something to help Amy NOW!" Sonic replied angrily.
"No! You mortals cannot interfere with this battle that is only between Amy and Alexander" Shadow said and summoned a wall of fire to block their path.
"Well now we know his name" Knuckles said.
"Not Now!" Everyone yelled.
"Well SORRY!" Knuckles yelled back.
BOOM! A large explosion was heard from above, everyone looked up. They were both hurt and tried, the next hit could be victory or death, only one shoot for the plan to work. Amy flew up as high as she could rush back down straight for Alexander, though he was expecting this. She grabbed him and rammed him in the ground, head first.
"You've lost Alexander, give up?" Amy said with her foot on his head squishing his face in the dirt.
"But my dear Amy this is only the beginning, bye-bye for now" that said he vanished in thin air.
'he escaped, probably knew what I was doing and switch places with his shadow but only a sorcerer can do that, weird' Amy thought. Her wings disappeared, she looked over at shadow. He nodded then left, leaving the wall of fire to vanish. Amy looked away she didn't want to see the look on their faces, it would hurt too much. Once the fire had disappeared Sonic ran up to Amy and hugged her tightly.
"Amy, are you okay?" Sonic asked staring into her eyes.
"Why?" She asked
"Why are you not afraid of me?" her eyes starting to tear up.
"Why would I be afraid of you? You're still Amy" He smiled at her. She then started to cry in his chest, as he tried to calm her down.

Amy's P.O.V.

When night came we waited for Shadow to return by the camp fire. Everyone kept asking me questions but I would wait for shadow to appear before I came clean. There was a rustle in the bushes, everyone stood up on their guard but I relaxed I could sense who it was. Shadow appeared from the bushes and walked up to me and shook his head, I signed. Everyone sat back down and it became very silent.
"So um do you guys mind telling us what's going on?" Rouge asked. I signed again.
"Well where do I begin?"
"Let's start with who you really are?" Tails asked
"Well shadow and I are … vampires" it was silent again.
"But aren't vampires creatures of the night, burned by sunlight?" Knuckles questioned
"There are but me and shadow are different" I explained "there are three different kinds of vampires, the ones that you know, shadow who is a rare fire element vampire and me a water element bat vampire." We spent most of the night me explaining what each vampire is about, like how earth and fire vampires don't get along or how wind and water vampires are the most dangerous, took hours for them to understand.
"So before we call it a night I have two more questions, who is Alexander? And what does he want?" Rouge asked. I looked at her then the ground.
"Well it all started 200 years ago"


'I was a normal rich girl who had it all, until that day came'
"MARRIAGE!?" past Amy said "but I don't want to marry someone who I don't even know"
"This is not your choice; he is a better man for you than that Alexander boy" Her mother said
"Father you can't go along with this you have never even met him" she plead
"I'm sorry Amy but this is for the best, you will be happy with him" Her father said, Amy started to tear up.
"Then you know nothing about me!" She yelled at them and left, but before she went out the door.
"I hate you both" she then slammed the door shut behind her.
'I was so angry at them; I told myself that I would never forgive them. However it was the last time I saw them.'
She ran from her house as fast as she could, never looking back, only one place to go. She stopped in front of an old cabin that had a sign 'GO AWAY' written in red. She knocked on the door before entering finding it very dark.
"Alexander! Are you here?" she called out.
'I knew something wasn't right, but it was too late'    
The door closed behind her with a dark shadow standing beside it.
"Alexander you scared me" She sign in relief.
"I'm sorry my dear, didn't mean to frighten you" he said creepily walking towards her.
"Are you all right Alexander?" She said backing away.
"Just peachy" He said before he jumped on top of her.
"W-what are you doing?" She tried to get away but he was too strong.
"Don't worry this will only hurt a bit" he leaned forward just a breath away from her neck. She started screaming when his fangs dugs into her skin, drinking her blood.
"Now drink and be mind forever" he said holding his arm towards her face.
'At that second I knew he betrayed me, so I did whatever I had to do to get away'  
Amy kneads him in the crouch, pushed him off of her and ran away as fast as she could.
'I got home to find my world and family had fallen'
She walked up the stairs slowly and very weak, she had lost too much blood that was now all over her clothes. She opened the door to find her parents on the floor died from what looks to be from blood loss. She kneeled beside them crying.
'I had only one choice, too survive and get my revenge'
Amy sucked whatever blood was left from her parents bodies. She then felt reenergized and healthy though she was died inside. She walked far away from her house; she didn't know where to go all she knew was that she had to get away, far away.

End of flashback

"I walked for days, scared, tired and hungry. That is until Shadow found me and took me in" I took a sip of tea. "He raised and trained me to help him erase vampires who would harm mortals; in return he would help me find Alexander so I can kill him"
"But why does it seem he was chasing you?" Tails asked
"My true power has yet to come, until now" I explained "once a vampire reaches a certain age they become more powerful, smarter and can sense things from far away"
"That sounds so cool" Knuckles said
"You would think, however it comes with a price" I took another sip of tea. "I can no longer drink blood from animals, only mortals" everyone fell silent.
"Won't that turn them into vampires as well?" cream ask breaking the silence.
"No, only if we drink enough that would kill you"
"Okay I get how you became a vampire but why are you in high school?" Rouge asked. I blushed
"T-that's not really important now is it" I nervously smiled.
"If you don't tell them then I will tell them ALL of it" Shadow said
"On second thought I'll tell them" I said
"It's because I made a promise"
"What kind of promise?" Cream asked
"A promise that I made 12 years ago to a beautiful woman" I explain "I was on one of my midnight walks when I saw a burning apartment building. I overheard one of the firemen say that there are still people in there, so I took action and ran into the building. It didn't take me long to find them, I saw that the floor above crashed down leaving a young woman trapped under a pile of wood and a man that must have been her husband died from a large log through his back. I went to go help her but I saw that there was a child in her arms, unconscious from all the smoke. She looked at me and said 'please take care of my child.' I took the small child in my arms then tried to get her out but she told me to save her child and protect him. I didn't want to leave her there but she said it was too late and died right there in front of me. The building started to shake and I knew I had to leave her there, so I flew out the window however one of the metal bars cut my thigh open. I flew back home to fall flat on my face by the front door from blood loss."
"I remember it well; you came home with a burned child and a bleeding thigh" Shadow interrupt
"Don't interrupt me, anyway I promised to her that I would protect her child and I did"
"Who was the child?" Knuckles asked
"Me" sonic said, everyone looked at him.
"Y-you still remember?" I asked him
"Not really but I do remember the fire"
"I wouldn't expect you to remember everything since it was so long ago" I smile to myself.
"So what happened next?" Cream asked
"I took care of him for a week until…"
"Until, what?" Sonic questioned  
"Until I got a letter from Alexander that said if I kept you he would take you away and kill you. So I put you in an orphanage to keep you safe, but I still watched you to make sure he wouldn't harm you" I smiled at him.
"But what about this necklace?" he pulled out a gold necklace with a locket.
"You mean you haven't opened it yet?" I asked
"No it's melted shut"
"Shadow?" I looked at him and he nodded. He grabbed the necklace from sonic and heated it then gave it to me. I used so of the water from my water bottle to cool it off and the locket popped open. I gave it back to Sonic and he smiled.
"This is my mom and dad" he said, I nodded.
"Thank you" He smiled at me, I blushed a little.
"Okay so that explains why you're here, but that still doesn't answer why you're in high school, I just can't figure it out" Rouge said her arms crossed. I started to blush even more. 'I need an excuse to escape' I thought to myself.
"We'll look at the time it's getting late we should get to sleep" I let loose a fake yawn, stood up and ran for the cabin leaving them in the dust.

No one's P.O.V.

Sonic followed Amy into the cabin alone. He slowly opened the door to her room.
"Are you okay Amy? You rushed out of there pretty fast" He asked her. Amy turned her head slightly to see his face.
"Fine, I'm fine" She turned away.
"Are you sure?" He entered the room and sat beside her.
"Y-yes I'm fine" She stuttered
"Then how come your face is red and you sound cold"
"T-that's because since your 14th birthday I've … I've" She stuttered again. 'I can't do it, I just can't say it, I'm not ready yet' She thought to herself. Sonic saw her struggle to say why so he grabbed her and pulled her close hoping it would calm her down but it made it worst, her whole face turned red.
"You know I never expected that you saved me from the fire"
"Yeah, however you seemed so familiar since the first time we met at the beginning of school"
"Yeah, thank you"
"For what?"
"Saving me, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here"
"Oh, well your welcome"
"And from all that you have done for me I have one thing to say"
"What's that?" He took a breath.
"I love you, Amy" He pulled her closer and kissed her on the lips. Her eyes grew wide and said to herself 'he's kissing me, he's kissing me. Is this a dream or reality? What's happening? What's going on?' He let go of her, his face redder than hers. They stared at each other until Amy hugged Sonic tightly.
"I-I love you too" she managed to say, he smiled and hugged back.
'Ok this by far is the GREAST MOST SPECTACTULAR day of my life!' She yelled to herself, still hugging Sonic tightly.

Part 1 = End
I did it i finished it on time and this is the end well not really there is still a lot to go part 2 will not not start until next month or spring break because i'd like to get ahead so i can post all the chapters at once

Part 2 chapter 11: [link]
© 2013 - 2024 JackietheLizard
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caktwrites's avatar
Awesome Awesome Awesome!